Call for Papers CPDP2022 –Data Protection & Privacy in Transitional Times

The Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference (CPDP) is an annual three-day conference devoted to privacy and data protection. The 15th edition of CPDP will be held on the 26th to 28th of January 2022 in Brussels.* Whilst a number of speakers are specifically invited by the conference, several slots remain open to application through an annual call for papers. This Call for Papers is addressed to all researchers who wish to present their papers at the next CPDP conference.

The submissions are split into two tracks. The first one is dedicated to experienced researchers (i.e. postdoctoral researchers, professors etc.), while the second one welcomes PhD students and other junior researchers. Contributions are welcome from all disciplines with perspectives on the themes of the conference. The dual-track structure of the CPDP2022 Call for Papers aims to meet the increasing interest of researchers – from all levels and from multiple disciplines – in CPDP and their expectations in terms of academic feedback and exchange.**

Please check the submission instructions below and submit your contribution through the EasyChair conference system through the following link by 4th of October.

The overarching theme of the 2022 edition is ‘Data Protection & Privacy in Transitional Times’. CPDP thus takes as its focus the major shifts in technology adoption driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting increased reliance on digital technologies and infrastructures. This situation has in turn escalated calls for ‘digital sovereignty’ in Europe and beyond, where we see a reassertion of nations, sovereignty, and borders in myriad ways. Among the most evident realities of the pandemic was sorting populations back into their nations of passport. This has also enabled new means of establishing and justifying borders with long term closures and the introduction of new digital identity infrastructure such as vaccine passports.

Besides bidding to form future models for data governance and the data economy, the EU has also laid out plans to pioneer legislation governing the use of Artificial Intelligence. In this pivotal moment, engaging in transatlantic, multidisciplinary dialogue has become of central significance. Amidst all these developments, what does the future hold for data protection? What is law’s task in the wake of a pandemic which has exacerbated inequalities and unjust data practices? While “data as asset” approach is gaining a stronghold in political discourse, what are the future imaginaries for data protection law? Looking towards the future, how might we design vital technological infrastructures to minimise data protection and fundamental rights risks?

CPDP2022 will serve as a platform to discuss, and seek answers, to these questions and many more. We welcome cutting edge papers in all areas related to technology, privacy and data protection, but particularly invite submissions that fit the general conference theme.

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